Due to the current Covid-19 situation the Government have advised restricted movement of people to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
We are currently promoting our club lotto but out of respect for the directive given, and your health we have decided to not go house to house selling lotto but instead if you have not already paid your lotto for this year you can do so online at ahanegaa.ie click the lotto button and complete your transaction. You can also contact your local lotto agent or pay online through your bank account. If you choose to pay through your bank account you can message us on Facebook for the club bank account details!
The Club lotto is our biggest source of income and your support is essential for the day to day running of the club. We thank you sincerely for your continued support of Ahane GAA Club, it is highly valued and always much appreciated!
We wish you and yours good health during this unprecedented time.